2019.3.1:Desktop 3D printer 「Objet 30 Prime」 (Stratasys)( Budget applied by prof. Ken Takeda, Department of Radiotherapy, Health Department) was introduced.

PolyJet desktop 3D printer “Objet 30 Prime” has been introduced to Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine on the budget of the “Advanced Graduate Program for Future Medicine and Health Care”. This 3D printer has PolyJet printing technology which uses UV light to cure liquid plastic. So it is possible to model complex shaped models with high precision. In research and clinical practice, it has possibility to be applied in the field of radiation therapy, such as modeling of research phantoms using this 3D printer and modeling of individual patient boluses.

PolyJet desktop 3D printer “Objet 30 Prime” has been introduced to Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine on the budget of the “Advanced Graduate Program for Future Medicine and Health Care”. This 3D printer has PolyJet printing technology which uses UV light to cure liquid plastic. So it is possible to model complex shaped models with high precision. In research and clinical practice, it has possibility to be applied in the field of radiation therapy, such as modeling of research phantoms using this 3D printer and modeling of individual patient boluses.

©Division of Medical Physics, Department of Radiation Oncology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine