2019.8.6~8:BC Cancer – Vancouver

Dr.Kadoya(Assistant professor), Mr. Nemoto(M2) and Hosoya(M1) visited BC Cancer – Vancouver in Canada with Kyoto University group for the international joint research with Japanese Clinical Oncology Group(JCOG) and Global Harmonisation Group(GHG).

■Date: 2019.8.6~8
■Venue: BC Cancer – Vancouver - Vancouver, BC, Canada

Yuri Hosoya(M1)

From August 6 to 8, 2019, Dr.Kadoya, Mr.Nemoto(M2), and Ms.Hosoya(M1), along with a group from Kyoto University, visited BC Cancer-Vancouver, Canada as part of an international collaboration between the Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG) and the Global Harmonisation Group (GHG) (GHG), together with a group from Kyoto University.

During this visit, we investigated the differences in DIR accuracy between facilities using a phantom for evaluating the accuracy of Deformable Image Registration (DIR).
I accompanied them because I have been studying the accuracy evaluation of DIR in my own research.

It was a great learning experience for me to see the imaging methods and clinical applications of DIR that I could not see at my own facility.We were also accompanied by Dr.Nakamura, Dr. Uto, and Dr. Hirashima of Kyoto University for a tour and meeting of Vero, a treatment device being researched by the Kyoto University group.It was a very valuable experience for me as it was the first time for me to see the actual Vero equipment.

In the evening, when we toured around the city of Vancouver with the Kyoto University professors and the Tohoku University group, we were able to hear stories about other universities and their research, which is something that is not usually possible, and it was a very stimulating experience.

I would like to devote myself to this experience as a motivation for my future research.

Left: Local staff observing DIR methods   Right: Vero meeting

Left: Lunch with local staff   Right: Dinner with Kyoto University professor

©Division of Medical Physics, Department of Radiation Oncology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine