2022.6.25 : The 1st MRI guided radiotherapy study meeting of the Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology (JASTRO)
The 1st MRI guided radiotherapy study meeting has been held in conference station Tokyo,Tokyo,Japan.
Dr.Kadoya,Mr.Tanaka(assistant professor) and Mr.Hoshino(M1) have attended it for presentation
■Date and Time : 6.25,2022
■Venue : Conference Station Tokyo
■Conference name : The 1st MRI guided radiotherapy study meeting

Taichi Hoshino(M1)
We are pleased to report that three members of our Medical Physics Group, Dr. Kadoya, Dr. Tanaka, (assistant professor), and Mr. Hoshino(M1) gave presentations at the 1st MR Image-Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy Conference held in Tokyo on June 25, 2022.
MR image-guided adaptive radiation therapy using MR-Linac is beginning to be used in Japan. With the aim of further spreading and developing MR-Linac in Japan, this workshop was held under the theme of “Toward the Spread and Promotion of MR Image-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy.
This was a very informative workshop, where we heard interesting discussions about the introduction of MR-Linac and the workflow during treatment, including innovations and challenges at each facility.
I gave my first oral presentation on the topic of “Evaluation of the accuracy of contour propagation under MR image-guided immediate adaptive radiation therapy (DIR) for prostate cancer patients. MRgRT is used to support DIR contouring of MR-MR between the same patients. Therefore, the content of this presentation is to evaluate the effectiveness of DIR contouring support by verifying DIR accuracy. since there are still few reports on DIR between the same patient in MR-MR, we would like to continue to deepen our understanding and conduct further research.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the professors who guided me in my research and the radiology department for giving me this opportunity to present my paper.

Scenery of the venue

Group photo of Dr.Tanaka and Mr.Hoshino